READ ME FIRST / How to register and login to the IVAO NPO Forum
« Last post by v135071 on July 06, 2017, 01:13:04 PM »Good Day Everyone,
In order to register to use this forum, please click on THIS LINK.
Once you have logged in with your IVAO VID and password, a request will be sent to the forum administrators (PRE/VPRE/SECR/ASECR) in order for them to approve your membership.
If you remain logged in, you can use the following address to access the forum: http://forum.npo.ivao.aero/
Welcome to the new IVAO NPO Forum!
In order to register to use this forum, please click on THIS LINK.
Once you have logged in with your IVAO VID and password, a request will be sent to the forum administrators (PRE/VPRE/SECR/ASECR) in order for them to approve your membership.
If you remain logged in, you can use the following address to access the forum: http://forum.npo.ivao.aero/
Welcome to the new IVAO NPO Forum!